Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Parker is almost walking and it is so much fun to watch......he is practially sprinting down our hallway! I can't wait for him to figure it out so he doesn't have purple knees anymore. Of course everyone says this, but it is going so fast......he turns 1 in almost a month! ( And everyday he turns more into my "Little Joe."

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Parker's First Haircut (and Buzz)!

So I finally came to terms with the fact that my son has a mullet. Joe has been trying to get me to do something about it for some time now, but I have been in denial about cutting his "baby hair." It had gone on long enough, so I gave him a little trim. Then when I realized how long it really was, we decided to give him his first buzz. The verdict is still out on how I feel about it.

Getting ready for the big cut!

The Mullet

Yes, that is a rat-tail

After the buzz

So I haven't been doing as well as I thought I would with this whole blog thing! We enjoyed our first Christmas with Parker! We spent the majority of our time in Olympia with Joe's family. Pete, Amy, & Elliot were in town from California so it was great to have the cousins together. Olympia had a ton of snow, so even though we were on the Westside we still had a beautiful white Christmas!
Parker's new "Mega" toy from the Swansons

Breakfast on Christmas morning

Parker and Aunt Amy

Grandma Joan knitted the boys

matching beanies!